Buy KadeFungin
KadeFungin®3 combi pack (KadeFungin®3 Kombi-Packung)
Contains 3 vaginal tablets (200 mg clotrimazole each) with applicator and 20g cream (2% clotrimazole).
- For pruritus, burning and redness in the genital area
- The effective 3-day therapy
- Suitable during pregnancy and lactation
KadeFungin®3 vaginal cream (KadeFungin®3 Vaginalcreme)
Contains 20 g vaginal cream (2% clotrimazole) and 3 applicators.
- For pruritus, burning and redness in the genital area
- The effective 3-day therapy
- Suitable during pregnancy and lactation
KadeFungin®3 vaginal tablets (KadeFungin®3 Vaginaltabletten)
Contains 3 vaginal tablets
(200 mg clotrimazole each) with applicator.
(200 mg clotrimazole each) with applicator.
- For pruritus, burning and redness in the genital area
- The effective 3-day therapy
- Suitable during pregnancy and lactation
KadeFlora® lactic acid (KadeFlora® Milchsäurekur)
with lactic acid
- treats vaginal discharge and intimate odour associated with bacterial vaginosis *
- reduces the risk of recurrent urinary tract infections
- normalises the pH, also during pregnancy
* For bacterial vaginosis, as a supplement to an antibiotic (supportive treatment) or for known, mild symptoms as single therapy (alternative treatment to an antibiotic)
KadeHydro® Moisturising Gel (KadeHydro® Befeuchtungsgel)
with hyaluronic acid
- for burning, pruritus and soreness
- for pain during sexual intercourse
- forms a pleasant lubricating film
- hormone-free
- free of perfumes and dyes