Thank you for visiting our contact page. We are happy to answer your questions about intimate health. The KadeFungin team consists of doctors and pharmacists who dispense advice and help. Our experts will treat your request confidentially and respond as soon as possible. Usually within 48 hours.
We look forward to helping you and would be happy to welcome you at our Facebook channel.
Your KadeFungin team
Medical expert board
[email protected]
0800 999 52 3333
free of charge
KadeFungin on Facebook
Use the Facebook messenger function and get in touch with us.
Response time
We usually answer within 48 hours.
DR. KADE Pharmazeutische Fabrik GmbH
Rigistr. 2
12277 Berlin
Tel: +49 (30) 720 82-0
Fax: +49 (30) 720 82-200